Spring 정리ver2/Data + JPA (2) 썸네일형 리스트형 언젠가 JPA로 돌아가면 쓸 것 mysql SELECT m FROM table m ORDER BY column DESC LIMIT 10 jpa List findTop10ByOrderByViewCountDesc(); 오홍 [Data JPA] Specification 더보기 https://vladmihalcea.com/spring-data-jpa-specification/ the BaseJpaRepository from the Hypersistence Utils project, which is a better alternative to the default JpaRepository from Spring Data the JpaSpecificationExecutor, which provides the Spring Data Specification filtering methods 가져와야하는 검색 Specification 을 미리 인터페이스화 한다 @Repository public interface PostCommentRepository extends BaseJpaRepo.. 이전 1 다음