Tutorial: Thymeleaf + Spring
Preface This tutorial explains how Thymeleaf can be integrated with the Spring Framework, especially (but not only) Spring MVC. Note that Thymeleaf has integrations for both versions 3.x and 4.x of the Spring Framework, provided by two separate libraries c
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Model Attributes
public List<Type> populateTypes() {
return Arrays.asList(Type.ALL);
public List<Feature> populateFeatures() {
return Arrays.asList(Feature.ALL);
public List<Variety> populateVarieties() {
return this.varietyService.findAll();
public List<SeedStarter> populateSeedStarters() {
return this.seedStarterService.findAll();
Mapped methods
And now the most important part of a controller, the mapped methods: one for showing the form page, and another one for processing the addition of new SeedStarter objects.
public String showSeedstarters(final SeedStarter seedStarter) {
return "seedstartermng";
@RequestMapping(value="/seedstartermng", params={"save"})
public String saveSeedstarter(
final SeedStarter seedStarter, final BindingResult bindingResult, final ModelMap model) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
return "seedstartermng";
return "redirect:/seedstartermng";
6.3 Checkbox fields
th:field also allows us to define checkbox inputs. Let’s see an example from our HTML page:
<label th:for="${'covered')}" th:text="#{seedstarter.covered}">Covered</label>
<input type="checkbox" th:field="*{covered}" />
Note there’s some fine stuff here besides the checkbox itself, like an externalized label and also the use of the'covered') function for obtaining the value that will be applied to the id attribute of the checkbox input.
Why do we need this dynamic generation of an id attribute for this field? Because checkboxes are potentially multi-valued, and thus their id values will always be suffixed a sequence number (by internally using the #ids.seq(...) function) in order to ensure that each of the checkbox inputs for the same property has a different id value.
We can see this more easily if we look at such a multi-valued checkbox field:
<li th:each="feat : ${allFeatures}">
<input type="checkbox" th:field="*{features}" th:value="${feat}" />
<label th:for="${#ids.prev('features')}"
th:text="#{${'seedstarter.feature.' + feat}}">Heating</label>
Note that we’ve added a th:value attribute this time, because the features field is not a boolean like covered was, but instead is an array of values.
Let’s see the HTML output generated by this code:
<input id="features1" name="features" type="checkbox" value="SEEDSTARTER_SPECIFIC_SUBSTRATE" />
<input name="_features" type="hidden" value="on" />
<label for="features1">Seed starter-specific substrate</label>
<input id="features2" name="features" type="checkbox" value="FERTILIZER" />
<input name="_features" type="hidden" value="on" />
<label for="features2">Fertilizer used</label>
<input id="features3" name="features" type="checkbox" value="PH_CORRECTOR" />
<input name="_features" type="hidden" value="on" />
<label for="features3">PH Corrector used</label>
We can see here how a sequence suffix is added to each input’s id attribute, and how the #ids.prev(...) function allows us to retrieve the last sequence value generated for a specific input id.
Don’t worry about those hidden inputs with name="_features": they are automatically added in order to avoid problems with browsers not sending unchecked checkbox values to the server upon form submission.
Also note that if our features property contained some selected values in our form-backing bean, th:fieldwould have taken care of that and would have added a checked="checked" attribute to the corresponding input tags.
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